Sunday, March 25, 2012

i'm switching over -

to wordpress!

I find the templates easier to navigate and I wanted to start a fresh blog to be able to post recipes, crafts, and trips I take on there with my family through facebook and not have this tied to my tumblr, twitter, or anything like that.

I basically like it better overall to be honest...
So follow me over there if you would like to!
I'll be regularly posting throughout my summer on it.

Much love,

Thursday, March 1, 2012

here's the thing-

i'm indecisive.

everyone knows this, but the one who mostly know this is my hairdresser.
i've gone from blonde to black to brown to red to highlights to low lights to everything in-between.

other than my hair, i've been on a path to "discovering myself" for the past five years. most people would call this adolescence - but i've always felt the presence of the unknown at a deeper level. i legitimately do not know who i am, where i stand or what i want to do with my life.

i like art,
i like music,
i like people,
i like clothing,
i like books,
i like the internet,
i like cats,
i like writing.

i'm a sophomore in college and i've changed my major five times. yes, five.

ironically enough, the same amount as my hair color.
and i am looking for change. typical.

i want to know
i want to seek
and i will find.

i want to know why people tick the way they do.
i want to know why we were put here.

and i want to create something beautiful,
something lasting.
i want to bring happiness to someone other than myself.

i believe life is a process of giving and taking.

we give in order to receive
we give in order to please
we give in order to take
something away from it




i may not know who i am,
but i know that whatever future career path i hold
will be in the creation of something beautiful

whether it be art,
or words.

i want to find a calling - a passion.
and i'm on the way.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


this past weekend, i went to aurora, colorado for a nice winter getaway.
i caught up with old friends, ate bad food, and wore way too many layers.
it was a much needed short vacation with myself... so here are some pictures from my trip.

the sky seems so huge out there.

i officially decided moving sidewalks freak me out.

the power lines in this town are everywhere, and i am obsessed with them.

diet coke was served with every meal in colorado, even breakfast.

i got to spend the entire weekend with my beautiful best friend, madi.

we ate chinese food, and i got a perfect fortune.

i did a little modeling,

 as well as a little photographing.

the dream team was reunited for the first time in a long time.

and then i had to leave :( 

Until next time Colorado, stay fly.


Thursday, February 9, 2012


this year has already been full of change.
i constantly find it in myself,
my surroundings,
and every aspect of life in general.

nothing is constant,
the only contant is change.

i'm not hardly the person i used to be,
but i like who i am becoming.

here are a few photos from the past month:


Operation Hot Bod.



Dirty Hair.


Lovely clouds.

and in the weeks to come,
i will be traveling to flagstaff, denver, and possibly anaheim.